manufacturing overheads

manufacturing overheads
вир., бухг. виробничі накладні витрати
витрати, які безпосередньо не пов'язані з певною одиницею продукції (product); ♦ до виробничих накладних витрат відносять як непрямі виробничі матеріали (indirect material), так і непряму витрату робочої сили (indirect labour), зношення (depreciation¹) обладнання та кошт на їх утримування тощо
to calculate the cost of manufacturing overheads підраховувати/підрахувати виробничі накладні витрати; to cover the cost of manufacturing overheads покривати/покрити виробничі накладні витрати; to estimate the cost of manufacturing overheads оцінювати/оцінити виробничі накладні витрати; to increase manufacturing overheads збільшувати/збільшити виробничі накладні витрати; to meet the cost of manufacturing overheads оплачувати/оплатити виробничі накладні витрати; to pay the cost of manufacturing overheads оплачувати/оплатити виробничі накладні витрати • сплачувати/сплатити виробничі накладні витрати; to reduce manufacturing overheads зменшувати/зменшити виробничі накладні витрати; to work out the manufacturing overheads обраховувати/обрахувати виробничі накладні витрати
manufacturing overheads :: production overheads :: factory overheads :: indirect manufacturing costs; manufacturing overheads ‡ manufacturing overheads (388)
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виробничі накладні витрати

The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. . 2002.

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Смотреть что такое "manufacturing overheads" в других словарях:

  • manufacturing — /ˌmænjυ fæktʃərɪŋ/ noun the production of machine made products for sale ● We must try to reduce the manufacturing overheads. ● Manufacturing processes are continually being updated …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • overheads — / əυvəhedz/ plural noun the costs of the day to day running of a business ● The sales revenue covers the manufacturing costs but not the overheads. (NOTE: American English is usually overhead.) ▪▪▪ ‘…it ties up less capital in inventory and with… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • overheads — / əυvəhedz/ plural noun the indirect costs of the day to day running of a business, i.e. not money spent of producing goods, but money spent on such things as renting or maintaining buildings and machinery ● The sales revenue covers the… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • cost of goods manufactured — manufacturing cost of finished goods The total production cost of the finished goods transferred from the production facility of an organization during an accounting period. It is made up of the total expenditure for the period on direct… …   Accounting dictionary

  • cost of goods manufactured — manufacturing cost of finished goods The total production cost of the finished goods transferred from the production facility of an organization during an accounting period. It is made up of the total expenditure for the period on direct… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • cost classification — The process of grouping expenditure according to common characteristics. Costs are initially divided into capital expenditure and revenue expenditure. In a production organization the revenue expenditure is classified sequentially to enable a… …   Accounting dictionary

  • overhead — cost An indirect cost of an organization. Overheads are usually classified as manufacturing overheads, administration overheads, selling overheads, distribution overheads, and research and development costs …   Accounting dictionary

  • overhead — cost An indirect cost of an organization. Overheads are usually classified as manufacturing overheads, administration overheads, selling overheads, distribution overheads, and research and development costs …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • absorption costing — A costing method that allocates all *manufacturing costs to *units of inventory or other measures of output. Normally required by most systems of *Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, absorption costing takes account of both *direct (or… …   Auditor's dictionary

  • Total absorption costing — (TAC) is a method of Accounting cost which entails the full cost of manufacturing or providing a service. This includes not just the costs of materials and labour, but also of all manufacturing overheads (whether ‘fixed’ or… …   Wikipedia

  • Rmit racing — [ RMIT Racing] is a voluntary student run engineering unit that competes in the Australian and worldwide competition of Formula SAE. Based on the RMIT Bundoora campus in Melbourne, their aim is to design a car that is… …   Wikipedia

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